Постійно читаю блог економічного оглядача на BBC. Ось декілька цитат з останнього посту Shell V HBOS:
"HBOS's 72 per cent fall to £848m in its first half pre tax profits may sound dreadful...
These show that the averge house of a UK residential property have fallen £17,000 or 9 per cent since the peak reached last October.
Which means that those taking out a 90 per cent mortgage last autumn have now had more-or-less all their equity in their properties wiped out..."
Цим вже нікого не здивуєш, банки самі винні. Дивує інше, що в той самий час Shell оголосило про приріст прибутків. Я їх добре розумію, за останні декілька місяців бак бензину для моєї автівки скакнув у ціні з £57 до £73. Тобто більше ніж на 20%.
А ось який цікавий висновок робить Rob:
"What a contrast with the fortunes of our energy and commodity companies, which are generating eye-watering volumes of cash from the rise in prices that is putting so much upward pressure on inflation and downward pressure on our economic growth prospects...
So in sterling terms, Shell generated three times as much cash in just three months as the profits earned by our biggest mortgage bank over six months..."
Ось такі пироги, вірніше сухарі...
"HBOS's 72 per cent fall to £848m in its first half pre tax profits may sound dreadful...
These show that the averge house of a UK residential property have fallen £17,000 or 9 per cent since the peak reached last October.
Which means that those taking out a 90 per cent mortgage last autumn have now had more-or-less all their equity in their properties wiped out..."
Цим вже нікого не здивуєш, банки самі винні. Дивує інше, що в той самий час Shell оголосило про приріст прибутків. Я їх добре розумію, за останні декілька місяців бак бензину для моєї автівки скакнув у ціні з £57 до £73. Тобто більше ніж на 20%.
А ось який цікавий висновок робить Rob:
"What a contrast with the fortunes of our energy and commodity companies, which are generating eye-watering volumes of cash from the rise in prices that is putting so much upward pressure on inflation and downward pressure on our economic growth prospects...
So in sterling terms, Shell generated three times as much cash in just three months as the profits earned by our biggest mortgage bank over six months..."
Ось такі пироги, вірніше сухарі...